+ Include: 74 videos, size: 4.97 GB
+ Target Audience: surgerist
+ Sample video: contact me for sample video
+ Topics:
Abdominal Sepsis Source Control and Antibiotherapy.mp4
Abdominal Trauma An Update for the General Surgeon.mp4
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction After Takedown of Enterocutaneous Fistula Single Staged vs. Delayed Repair.mp4
Anorectal Top 10.mp4
Appendicitis, A Never Ending Story.mp4
Approach to Hernia Repair in the Obese Patient.mp4
Approaches to Umbilical Hernia Repair.mp4
Benign Breast (granulomatous mastitis, periductal mastitis, abscess).mp4
Breast Cancer in Young Women and the Elderly.mp4
Cdiff – What Now.mp4
Colon Cancer Cases.mp4
Common Bile Duct Pathology Injuries, Stones and Strictures.mp4
Complicated Pancreatitis.mp4
Controversies in Paraesophageal Hernia Repair Wrap Mesh Gastropexy.mp4
Discussion 1.mp4
Discussion 2.mp4
Diverticulitis- Elective and Urgent Surgery-When and How to Ensure Success.mp4
Enhanced Recovery Following Colorectal Surgery – Evidence vs Dogma.mp4
Foreign Bodies.mp4
Gastric Bypass Patient with a Bowel Obstruction.mp4
Hemorrhagic Shock A General Surgeon Primer.mp4
Hernia Repair in the Cirrhotic.mp4
IBD The Controversial and Difficult Stuff.mp4
Intraluminal Bleeding after Gastric Bypass.mp4
Introduction 1.mp4
Introduction 2.mp4
Introduction 3.mp4
Introduction to Course.mp4
Lap Inguinal Hernia Repair TAPP.mp4
Lap Inguinal Hernia Repair TEP.mp4
Leaks – How to Avoid Them and What To Do With Them.mp4
Management of Hernias at the Time of Bariatric Surgery.mp4
Management of Recurrent Breast Cancer.mp4
Management of the Pancreatic Cyst What Do I Do in 2019.mp4
Managing Complications After OVHR.mp4
Managing Margins for Invasive and Non-invasive Breast Cancer.mp4
Mock Tumor Board.mp4
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Breast Cancer.mp4
New Anti-Reflux Procedures.mp4
Open Inguinal Hernia Repair (Tissue and Lichtenstein).mp4
Panel 1 and Case Presentations.mp4
Panel 2.mp4
Panel Discussion Wrap Up.mp4
Panel Discussion 1.mp4
Panel Discussion 2.mp4
Panel Discussion 3.mp4
Panel Discussion.mp4
Parastomal Hernia Repair.mp4
Perianal Crohn’s.mp4
Perioperative Care of Hernia Patients.mp4
POEMs and POPs Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery.mp4
Quality – You are Being Measured on What The Surgeon’s Scorecard.mp4
Radiation and Systemic Therapy Updates for the Surgeon.mp4
Rectal Cancer Cases.mp4
Recurrent Hiatal Hernia.mp4
Robotic Inguinal Hernia Repair.mp4
Robotic Lap IPOM.mp4
Role for Endoscopic and Anterior Component Separation.mp4
Screening and Breast Cancer Risk Prediction.mp4
Septic Shock Updates and Goal Oriented Therapy.mp4
Small Bowel Obstruction and Standardization of Care.mp4
Surgical Considerations – How I Do It; Lumpectomy and Oncoplastic Breast Surgery.mp4
Surgical Considerations – How I Do It; Mastectomy with Reconstruction.mp4
TAR Technique, Pitfalls, Where It All Comes Apart.mp4
The Intraop Consult (bleeding, enterotomy & more) How to Bail.mp4
Tips and Tricks for Colorectal Anastomoses.mp4
Tips and Tricks on the Difficult Patients (obesity, redo).mp4
TME & CME – How and Why.mp4
Tubes, Clips and Stents Advanced Endoscopy for the General Surgeon.mp4
Update on Mesh and Biomaterials.mp4
Ventral Hernia Repair What Are My Options.mp4
Where Does Percutaneous Cholecystostomy Fit in the Management of Acute Cholecystitis.mp4
Your Worse Cases and Complications.mp4
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