UChicago Medicine 9th Annual Cancer Genetics and Genomic Conference 2020

10 $

+ Include: 46 videos + 1 pdf, size: 11.4 GB

+ Target Audience: oncologist


+ Include: 46 videos + 1 pdf, size: 11.4 GB

+ Target Audience: oncologist

+ Sample video: contact me for sample video

+ Information:

Join us for the 9th Annual International Clinical Cancer Genetics and Genomics Conference in conjunction with the Personalized Cancer Care Consortium!

This activity will provide an interdisciplinary educational forum in which to update state-of-the-art science including novel therapies for inherited cancers, discuss real-world cases, curate interesting pedigrees, and prepare case summaries to disseminate new knowledge in translational genomics and evidence-based clinical management of high-risk patients and their family members.

Target Audience

This activity is designed for physicians, physician assistants, advanced nurse practitioners, genetic counselors, oncology nurses, and other healthcare professionals currently providing oncology care and cancer genetics risk assessment services or initiating such care and services in their healthcare system. Special efforts will be made to educate clinicians practicing in geographically or socioeconomically underserved communities.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Recall advanced concepts in genetics, genomics, and next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies;
  • Analyze controversies in cancer risk assessment and genetic testing including the integration of polygenic risk scores;
  • Recognize how scientific advances in Lynch syndrome and other inherited solid tumors and hematologic malignancies can improve the clinical management of patients;
  • Discuss how the integration of novel cancer therapies based on genomic alterations in tumor tissue may reveal germline mutations that can guide patient management;
  • Recognize the limitations of genomic testing as it relates to both cancer risk as well as therapeutic selection, including variants of uncertain significance and in silico predictions;
  • Identify how a globally-informed perspective on experimental therapeutics for rare cancers including immunotherapy can improve patient outcomes;
  • Discuss how emerging concepts in cancer interception and cancer risk modifiers including lifestyle and chemoprevention can impact disease management strategies;
  • State the ethical, legal, and social implications of genomic testing in diverse populations.


+ Topics:

23 yo Male With Unilateral Retinoblastoma- Genetic Testing, Incidental Finding of BRCA1 Pathogenic Variant.mp4
24 yo Female With a History of Hypodiploid ALL- Is Genetic Testing Recommended.mp4
44 yo Male With Family History of PC- Is There Elevated Risk for PC.mp4
45 yo Female With DCIS ERPR+ and Family History of Cancer.mp4
49 yo Female With a Concern for Primary Hematopoietic Neoplasm.mp4
60 yo Post-Menopausal Woman With Personal History of Melanoma and Family History of BC.mp4
Advances in Imaging Technologies and Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Breast Cancer.mp4
All Cancer is Genetic.mp4
An Ounce of Prevention Healthy Lifestyle and Interventions to Reduce Stress.mp4
BRCA mutation Carriers with early breast cancer Debate Breast Conservation Surgery (BCS) vs. Mastectomy.mp4
Case for Cancer Genetics.mp4
Case Genomic Testing is Harmful to Individuals and Society.mp4
Complex Concepts in Cancer Genomics.mp4
Controversies in Pancreatic Cancer Screening When, Who & How.mp4
Curative Strategies in MM- Do We Need More Agents & Therapeutic Tools.mp4
Curative Therapy for Multiple Myeloma.mp4
Defining Lynch Syndrome Genetic and Phenotypic Heterogeneity.mp4
Developmental Therapeutics in Lung Cancer.mp4
Disparities in Myeloma and Its Precursors in African Americans.mp4
Ethical Considerations for AI and Inherited Cancers.mp4
Genetic Cancer Risk Assessment for Breast and Ovarian Cancer Uptake of Risk Reducing Surgery in South America.mp4
Genetic predisposition to breast cancer in Asian women.mp4
Genetic Testing in Diverse Populations in South America.mp4
Genetics in Primary Care.mp4
Genomic Subtypes and Targeted Therapies in NSCLC.mp4
Hereditary Breast Cancer Genes and Outcome in Young-Onset Breast Cancer (POSH Study).mp4
How Genomic Biomarkers Are Transforming Cancer Drug Approval Process Basic Principles and Advances of I-SPY Platform.mp4
Lynch syndrome immunology and immunotherapy.mp4
Mainstreaming Universal Testing for Lynch Syndrome.mp4
New Frontiers in Prevention & Early Detection of Cancer at the Population Level.mp4
Nurse’s Perspective on Genetic Counseling and Testing in Nigeria.mp4
Pancreatic Cancer and Malignant Melanoma New Insights on Susceptibility and CDKN2A.mp4
PARP inhibitors in DNA Repair-Associated Cancers.mp4
Personal Perspectives on Henry Lynch and Future Directions in Preventive Oncology.mp4
Pharmacogenomics Implementation for Oncology.mp4
Polygenic Risk of Breast Cancer in Latinx Populations.mp4
Polygenic Risk Scores in African American Populations.mp4
Prostate Cancer Updates.mp4
Prostate Cancer, DNA Repair Pathways and Clinical Implications for Inherited Cancer Risk.mp4
Rethinking Li Fraumeni Syndrome (SBLA) 50 Years Later.mp4
Somatic Germline Cancer Genomics – Lessons Learned From Liquid Biopsies.mp4
Targeted therapeutic approaches for high risk myeloid malignancies.mp4
The Great Debate Mastectomy vs. Lumpectomy in BRCA12 Carriers.mp4
Timeline of Genetic Discoveries.mp4
Using NGS data from testing of leukemia tumor cells to find germline mutations.mp4
What Do Mutational Signatures Tell Us About Heritable Risk Factors and Targeted Therapy.mp4


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