+ Include: 115 videos, size: 6.96 GB
+ Target Audience: obstetric & gynecology physician, anesthesiologist
+ Sample video: contact me for sample video
+ Topics:
30 Minutes Decision to Incision- A Quality Improvement Project.mp4
A case report for the management of refractory sustained, unstable supraventricular tachycardia in the peripartum period.mp4
Acute respiratory failure in a patient with severe preeclampsia and morbid obesity during cesarean section.mp4
AFE or PE- A Case of Acute CV Collapse.mp4
Amniotic Fluid Embolism and the Recrudescence of COVID-19 Symptoms.mp4
Anesthesia for an Unscheduled Cesarean Delivery in a Woman with Stage IV Alcoholic Cirrhosis.mp4
Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery in Africa a Review of Publications (2010-2021) – Anjan Saha, MD.mp4
Anesthesiologist’s Dilemma.mp4
Anesthetic Considerations for Cesarean Section in a Parturient with Multiple Uncommon Co-Morbidities.mp4
Anesthetic Management for Diabetic Autonomic Dysregulation in Pregnancy.mp4
Anesthetic Management of a Parturient with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita for Cesarean Delivery.mp4
Anesthetic Management of a Parturient with Fontan Circulation.mp4
Anesthetic management of a parturient with Marfan syndrome, aortic aneurysm, and low EF undergoing cesarean delivery.mp4
Anesthetic Management of a Parturient with Pulmonary Hypertension On Treprostinil Treatment – Samuel Joseph.mp4
Anesthetic Management of a Parturient with Pulmonary Hypertension On Treprostinil Treatment.mp4
Anesthetic management of a parturient with vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome undergoing repeat cesarean delivery.mp4
Anesthetic Management of a Patient with Intracranial Aneurysm for Cesarean Delivery.mp4
Anesthetic management of a woman with mast cell activation syndrome and allergy to lidocaine undergoing cesarean delivery.mp4
Atypical Presentation of Iatrogenic Bladder Injury during Elective Cesarean Delivery.mp4
Avoiding Amide Anaphylaxis – Unconventional Neuraxial Options for Cesarean Delivery.mp4
Ballantyne Syndrome.mp4
Best Paper Competition.mp4
Can You Place Neuraxial Anesthesia in a Patient With a History of Intravenous Drug Abuse and Presumed Bacteremia.mp4
Case Report- Management of a case of severe Abruption with IUFD and severe PET- Importance of ROTEM in management….mp4
Case Report- Vaginal Delivery and A Tale of Two Ventricles (Transposition of the Great Arteries), Simply Baffling!.mp4
Central Anticholinergic Syndrome- An Unusual Awakening from General Anesthesia after Cesarean Delivery.mp4
Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Discovered After Post-dural Puncture Headache Treated with Sphenopalatine….mp4
Cesarean Delivery in a patient with COVID-19 and Holt-Oram Syndrome.mp4
Cesarean delivery in Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 3 (Kugelberg- Welander Syndrome) – Case report.mp4
Clinical improvement and tumor regression in parturient with brain tumor and intracranial bleeding after c-section….mp4
Compartment Syndrome Following C-section Complicated By Persistent Postpartum Hemorrhage.mp4
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in the Parturient Patient.mp4
Delayed Interval Delivery in a Parturient with Essential Thrombocythemia and a Triamniotic -Trichorionic Triplet Pregnancy.mp4
Demystifying the Epidural- Increasing the Use of Neuraxial for Labor Pain in Ukraine.mp4
Detection of apical hypertrophy (Yamaguchi syndrome) and subsequent anesthetic management of cesarean delivery.mp4
Development of a competency-based curriculum for obstetric anesthesia residency training using a Delphi Model.mp4.mp4
Elective cesarean delivery in a parturient with transverse myelitis.mp4
Elective cesarian hysterectomy in parturient complicated by placenta previa and placenta accreta spectrum….mp4
Emergent cesarean delivery in a parturient with previously undiagnosed severe mitral stenosis.mp4
Emergent Cesarean Delivery Secondary to Non-conventional Presentation of Uterine Rupture in a Parturient….mp4
Factor XIII deficiency- Is it or isn’t it-.mp4
Fellow Case Reports Room 5.mp4
General Anesthesia for Balloon Valvuloplasty in Pregnant Patient w_Severe Mitral Stenosis & Pulmonary…..mp4
Gertie Marx Research Competition.mp4
Greater Occipital Nerve Block as an Adjunct in Postdural Puncture Headache.mp4
Identification of Factors that Lower the Accuracy of Quantitative Blood Loss During Cesarean Delivery….mp4
Induction of Labor for a Primigravid Patient with Proprionic Acidemia.mp4
Initiation of First ERAS Protocol for Cesarean Delivery in Serbia-Preliminary Results_PULJIC.mp4
Intracranial Mass in a Pregnant Patient, the management, of the patient, and course of pregnancy.mp4
Labor epidural placement in a patient with tinea versicolor of thoraco lumbar region.mp4
Lidocaine allergy- 2-Chloroprocaine, An Ester Alternative, May Be The Solution For Epidural Anesthesia When Amide….mp4
Life Threatening Labial Hematoma.mp4
Life Threating Hemorrhage Secondary to Hidden Uterine Inversion.mp4
Low-Dose Combined Spinal-Epidural for Cesarean Delivery in a Woman with Severe Aortic Stenosis.mp4
Lumbar Neuraxial Ultrasound Made Easy.mp4
Management of a Patient with Severe Mitral Regurgitation and Non-ischemic Cardiomyopathy….mp4
Management of extra cardiac Fontan patient on labor and delivery for three obstetric procedures.mp4
Management of Labor With Heliox in a Patient with Subglottic Stenosis.mp4
Management of Post-Partum Hemorrhage in 31 year old Patient with Severe Osteomyelitis and Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder.mp4
Management of the Parturient with Factor VII Deficiency – Whitney Loggins, MD.mp4
Management of Undiagnosed Pseudocholinesterase Deficiency in a Parturient Undergoing Urgent C- Section Under General….mp4
Managing Critical Mitral Stenosis in Pregnancy in Kenya.mp4
Multidisciplinary management of pulmonary arterial hypertension in pregnancy- a case report.mp4
Multimodal anesthesia for EXIT procedure.mp4
Multiple Failed Neuraxials.mp4
Neuraxial Analgesia in a Parturient with NF-1.mp4
Neuraxial anesthesia for a laboring patient with hereditary spastic paraplegia- a case report.mp4
Neuraxial anesthesia in a parturient with cerebral palsy and prior selective dorsal rhizotomy.mp4
Novel Approach to Analgesia for an Intellectually Disabled Labor Patient.mp4
Obstetric Anesthesia Management Of Cesarean Delivery For A Patient With Repaired Aortic Coarctation….mp4
Obstetric Anesthesia Practice and Outcomes in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries- A Review of Publications-Anjan Saha, MD.mp4
Perineal Tear Pain Management Program-KK Ramaswamy.mp4
Perioperative Management of a Parturient with a Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak..mp4
Perioperative management of anticoagulation in a parturient with genetic hypercoagulability and heparin-induced….mp4
Perioperative Management of Parturient with Cystic Lung Disease.mp4
Placement of a Labor Epidural in a Patient with a Spinal Cord Stimulator.mp4
Placental Abruption and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Unveiled by Epidural Catheter Site Bleeding.mp4
Platelets are Overrated! Hemostatic Strategies for Cesarean Delivery with – 5k Platelets.mp4
Pneumocephalus after Labor Epidural.mp4
Postpartum hemorrhage in a patient with prior uterine artery embolization.mp4
Pregnancy-related Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection- A Tale of Two Outcomes.mp4
Preterm Cesarean Delivery in a Patient with Methamphetamine-Associated Cardiomyopathy.mp4
Procedure on Placental Support Under Neuraxial Anesthesia for Fetal Oropharyngeal Mass.mp4
Prolonged sedation in a parturient with COVID-19 and fetal outcome.mp4
Reduction in massive postpartum haemorrhage and red blood cell transfusion during a national quality improvement project….mp4
Refractory Hypotension Secondary to Labetalol Administration in Preeclampsia and the Utility of Glucagon.mp4
Remifentanil for Labor Analgesia in a Morbidly Obese Parturient. Is it Worth the Pain-.mp4
Research Poster Session #2 – Room 2 (Cesarean Delivery- Maternal & Fetal Outcome).mp4
Research Poster Session #2 – Room 4 (Neuraxial Labor Analgesia.mp4
Research Poster Session #2 – Room 5 (Practice Improvement-Physiology).mp4
Research Poster Session #2 – Room 6 (Practice Improvement_Adrenergic Agonists).mp4
Research Poster Session #2 – Room 9 (POCUS-Fetal Interventions) (2).mp4
Resistance to local anesthetics- a case report in pregnant woman who failed to achieve skin analgesia – Thong Nguyen, MD.mp4
Severe Right Ventricular dilatation and Pulmonary Hypertension caused by a large ASD- Obstetric Anesthesia Management.mp4
SOAP International Symposium.mp4
SOAP Presentation Arjun Varadarajan.mp4
Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block to Treat Perioperative Migraine Headache.mp4
Spinal anesthesia for caesarian in a parturient with Arnold-Chiari Type 1 Malformation and significant lumbar disc prolapse.mp4
Spinal cord hemangioblastoma resection and cesarean delivery in a 31-week gravid patient- a case report.mp4
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Complicating Severe Pre-eclamptic Neuropathology- A Case Report.mp4
Subdural Hematoma after Unintentional Dural Puncture.mp4
Subdural hematoma as a complication of accidental dural puncture.mp4
Successful External Cephalic Version and Anesthesia Management in a Patient with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot.mp4
Successful Neuraxial anesthesia in the parturient with history of spinal cord AVM.mp4
Symptomatic Vasovagal Episodes in Synchrony with Uterine Contractions in an Expectant Multipara – I. Wrobleski, MD.mp4
The non-Subarachnoid -Worst Headache of My Life- in a T4 Paraplegic Parturient with Autonomic Dysreflexia.mp4
The Peripartum Management of COVID-19 in a Patient with Brugada Syndrome.mp4
Two Surgeries in the Second Trimester- Fetal Myelomeningocele Repair Followed by Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.mp4
Urgent Cesarean Delivery of Dichorionic_Diamnionic Twins in a Parturient with Prior C5 Spinal Cord Injury….mp4
Use of epidural catheter for emergent hysterectomy immediately after prophylactic epidural blood patch-not our usual practice.mp4
Use of ROTEM as an adjunct to assess coagulopathy in thrombocytopenic parturient prior to neuraxial anesthesia.mp4
Uterine Rupture and Emergent Cesarean Hysterectomy in an Unscarred Uterus.mp4
Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery under General Anesthesia for Directed Biopsy of a Mediastinal Mass in Pregnancy.mp4
What to Do When you Can’t Transfuse-Blood Transfusion Alternatives for Jehovah’s Witnesses – Mellany Stanislaus, MD.mp4
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