Society for Heart Failure and Transplantation Midterm Meeting 2020

20 $

+ Include: 10 videos + 1 pdf, size: 15 GB

+ Target Audience: cardiologist, surgerist


+ Include: 10 videos + 1 pdf, size: 15 GB

+ Target Audience: cardiologist, surgerist

+ Sample video: contact me for sample video

+ Information:

Society for Heart Failure and Transplantation is organising the Mid Term Meeting 2020 Mechanical Circulatory Support  from 16-18th October, 2020 at (6 PM – 8 PM on 16th October, 7 PM-9 PM on 17-18th October (Indian Standard Time))

Organiser Details
Society for Heart Failure and Transplantation (SfHFT)

Organising Secretary
Manoj Durairaj
Marian Cardiac Centre and Research Foundation.
Program Director


(16th October 2020, Friday)
Introduction: Dr. V. Nandakumar, President, SfHFT, Dr. Jabir Abdullakutty, Secretary, SfHFT
Moderators: Dr. Ajit Kumar, Dr. C.S Hiremath
Panelists: Dr. Sandeep Seth, Dr. Ravi Kumar R, Dr. Nagamalesh U.M,  Dr. Talha Meeran
Does CRT and LBB pacing have a role in heart failure Dr. Shunmuga Sundaram 06:00 – 06:20 PM
Risk prediction in heart failure – Do we need to change the way we approach HF Management. Dr. Brian Pinto 06:20 – 06:40 PM
Getting the timing right for referring a patient for MCS in refractory heart failure Dr. Scott Sylvestri 06:40 – 07:00 PM
INTERMACS decoded – Evidence based approach in decision making for LVAD Dr. Scott Sylvestri 07:00 – 07:20PM
Panel Discussion 07:20 – 07:50 PM


(17th October 2020, Saturday)
Moderators: Dr. Ranjit John, Dr. Julius Punnen.
Panelists: Dr. Kumud Dhital, Dr. Anvay, Dr. Kewal Krishan, Dr. Z.S Meherwal
MCS for frequent flyers- VAD as a destination therapy, which device which patient Dr. Amy Hackmann 07:00 – 07:20 PM
MCS in Cardiogenic shock- What are the options- Pros and Cons Dr. Bagirath Raghuraman 07:20 – 07:40 PM
What the future holds for MCS- Fully implantable VAD-First in the world experience Dr. Ivan Netuka M.D 07:40 – 08:00 PM
Perioperative trouble shooting in MCS. Pointers for follow up. Dr. Suresh Rao 08:00 – 08:20 PM
Panel Discussion 08:20 – 08:50 PM


(18th October 2020, Sunday)
Moderators: Dr. A.G.K. Gokhale, Dr. Jose Chacko
Panelists: Dr. Sandeep Attawar, Dr. Milind Hote, Dr. V Devagourou, Dr. Jayakumar T.K
When to refer for total artificial heart Dr. Keyur Shah 07:00 – 07:20 PM
Total artificial heart, what are the options Dr. Fransisco Arabia 07:20 – 07:40 PM
Mechanical Circulatory support in pediatric patients Dr. Fabrizio De Rita 07:40 – 08:00 PM
Innovations in VAD placement Dr. K.R Balakrishnan 08:00 – 08:20 PM
Panel Discussion 08:20 – 08:50 PM




+ Topics:

October 15 Stream 1 Part 1.mp4
October 15 Stream 1 Part 2.mp4
October 15 Stream 2 Part 1.mp4
October 15 Stream 2 Part 2.mp4
October 16 Stream 1.mp4
October 16 Stream 2.mp4
October 17 Stream 1.mp4
October 17 Stream 2.mp4
October 18 Stream 1.mp4
October 18 Stream 2.mp4


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