+ Include: 32 videos + 1 pdf, size: 9.81 GB
+ Target Audience: obstetric anaesthetists, anaesthetists
+ Sample video: contact me for sample video
+ Information:
The Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association (OAA) Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 will be held from May 9th to 10th in Birmingham, UK. This event is a significant gathering for professionals involved in obstetric anaesthesia, featuring expert speakers and ample opportunities for discussion and networking.
The Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association (OAA) Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 is designed for anaesthetists and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of pregnant women. This includes obstetric anaesthetists, trainees, and those interested in the latest research, education, and advancements in obstetric anaesthesia.
+ Topics:
A bad day on the labour ward..mp4
Airway Management during TIVA for Caesarean Delivery.mp4
Anaesthetic management of pregnant women with booking body mass index 40Kgm2 undergoing caesarean birth.mp4
Challenges on the labour ward Discussion.mp4
Comparisom of Sequential and Mixture Injections of Opioids and Hyperbaric Bupivacaine.mp4
Debate Discussion.mp4
How could we manage maternal deterioration more effectively.mp4
Improving care for planned caesarean delivery.mp4
Introducing OAA guidance Discussion.mp4
Measuring service evaluation a comparison of patient-reported time ready for discharge and length of stay as outcome measures after caesarean delivery.mp4
NAP7 – key messages for obstetric anaesthesia.mp4
Obstetric Cell Salvage Efficiency.mp4
Optimising Care for Pregnant Women Undergoing Non-Obstetric Surgery A Comparative Four-Year Review.mp4
Pick of the case reports.mp4
Pick of the posters.mp4
Post-spinal headache as a risk factor for post-spinal headache are we telling patients the truth.mp4
Presentation of the top free papers Day 2.mp4
Presentation of the top free papers.mp4
Programmed Intermittent Epidural Bolus (PIEB) for neuraxial labor analgesia.mp4
Recent advances Discussion.mp4
Supporting Parents and Professionals through neOnatal Resuscitation in Theatre.mp4
Talking with patients about sustainability in obstetric.mp4
Teaming, talking and trusting Fostering relationships for best patient and clinician outcomes.mp4
UK routine maternity data, an opportunity for better pregnancy care.mp4
Update on anaesthesia for operative delivery.mp4
Update on labour analgesia.mp4
Use of an intrathecal catheter after inadvertent dural puncture.mp4
Using ultrasound for all neuraxial blocks should be a standard of care in obstetric anaesthetic practice 1.mp4
Using ultrasound for all neuraxial blocks should be a standard of care in obstetric anaesthetic practice 2.mp4
What is the role of MNSI.mp4
Women’s experiences of anesthesia care during urgent or emergent cesarean section a qualitative study examining stressors and potential solutions.mp4
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