+ Include: 50 videos + 1 pdf, size: 12.4 GB
+ Target Audience: radiologists, physicians, and other healthcare professionals who work with the processing and interpretation of medical images
+ Sample video: contact me for sample video
+ Topics:
1. Update on Imaging of Pulmonary Embolism.mp4
2. MRI of the Knee Meniscus – Common Tears _ Misses.mp4
3. Scrotal Sonography – A Systematic Approach.mp4
4. MR Knee Pitfalls – Corners _ Notch.mp4
5. Adnexal Torsion – 7 Tips to Tell It’s Twisted.mp4
6. The Postoperative Knee.mp4
7. Ultrasound Criteria for 1st Trimester Pregnancy Failure.mp4
8. Basics of MSK Ultrasound.mp4
9. Male Breast Imaging.mp4
10. CT of Acute Aortic Diseases.mp4
11. Imaging of Acute Lung Diseases.mp4
12. Hip Impingement – What the Surgeons Want to Know.mp4
13. Mammographic Analysis of Breast Calcifications.mp4
14. Management of Unknown Bone Lesions in Adults.mp4
15. The Palpable Breast Lump.mp4
16. MR Shoulder – Labrum _ Ligaments Simplified.mp4
17. Breast MRI – Basics _ Cases.mp4
18. Top 5 MR Wrist _ Hand.mp4
19. Imaging of the Axilla.mp4
20. Approach to Imaging of Pulmonary Infections.mp4
21. Brain – Top 10 Do-Not-Miss Diagnoses.mp4
22. Avoiding Mammography Misses – Tips _ Tricks.mp4
23. Spinal Nomenclature _ Disc Disease.mp4
24. Near-Misses on Mammography.mp4
25. Lung Cancer Screening _ CT of Pulmonary Nodules.mp4
26. Spinal Infection – From Aureus to Zika.mp4
27. Multi-Modality Breast Imaging Cases 1.mp4
28. CSF Hypotension – What the Diagnostic Radiologist Needs to Know.mp4
29. Multi-modality Breast Imaging Cases 2.mp4
30. How Should You Approach the Subsolid Pulmonary Nodule.mp4
31. Non-obstetric CT-MRI in Pregnancy.mp4
32. Practical Imaging Approach to Myelopathy.mp4
33. Imaging the Postpartum Uterus.mp4
34. Intradural Spine Tumors – How to Tell Them Apart.mp4
35. Cardiac Findings on Routine Chest CT.mp4
36. Endometriosis US-MRI – Pearls _ Pitfalls.mp4
37. Postoperative Spine Simplified.mp4
38. GI Tract – Postoperative Imaging.mp4
39. Neuroradiology Jeopardy.mp4
40. Thoracic Imaging Jeopardy.mp4
41. O-RADS US Fundamentals.mp4
42. O-RADS MRI Fundamentals.mp4
43. O-RADS Cases – When US is Enough.mp4
44. O-RADS Cases – When MRI Adds Value.mp4
45. HRCT of Diffuse Lung Disease – Key Findings _ Patterns – Part 1.mp4
46. Lessons Learned from Abdominal Imaging QA Cases.mp4
47. HRCT of Diffuse Lung Disease – Key Findings _ Patterns – Part 2.mp4
48. The Gravid Cervix – Measurements _ More.mp4
49. Abdominal Imaging Jeopardy.mp4
50. Instructive OB Ultrasound Cases.mp4
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