Oakstone Cytopathology 2022

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‘+ Include: 47 videos + 2 pdfs, size: 13.7 GB

+ Target Audience: pathologists needing to improve their understanding and confidence in the diagnosis of cytopathology specimens

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+ Include: 47 videos + 2 pdfs, size: 13.7 GB

+ Target Audience: pathologists needing to improve their understanding and confidence in the diagnosis of cytopathology specimens

+ Sample video: contact me for sample video

+ Topics:

1. Introduction – The Changing Cytopathology Landscape.mp4
2. The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology, Third Edition.mp4
3. Thyroid Cytomorphology Part I.mp4
4. Thyroid Cytomorphology Part II.mp4
5. Molecular Testing in Thyroid FNA Specimens.mp4
6. Instructive Thyroid FNA Cases.mp4
7. The Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology Second Edition.mp4
8. Salivary Gland Cytology – Common, Uncommon & Challenging Cases.mp4
9. FNA of Lateral Neck Lesions – A Case-Based Approach.mp4
10. Instructive Cases – Head & Neck FNA Specimens.mp4
11. Approach to Liver Cytopathology & Small Biopsies.mp4
12. The WHO System for Reporting Pancreaticobiliary Cytology.mp4
13. The FNA of Solid Lesions of the Pancreas.mp4
14. Approach to the Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cysts.mp4
15. Instructive Pancreas FNA Cases.mp4
16. The International System for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology.mp4
17. Pleural Fluid Specimens.mp4
18. Pelvic Washing Specimens.mp4
19. Instructive Pelvic Washing Cases.mp4
20. The WHO International System for Reporting Soft Tissue Cytopathology.mp4
21. Soft Tissue FNA – A Pattern-Based Approach.mp4
22. Soft Tissue Cytopathology – An Update on Immunohistochemical Markers.mp4
23. Fine Needle Aspiration of Bone Tumors – Lesions that May Actually Cross Your Desk.mp4
24. Soft Tissue FNA Cytology – Lesions Most Likely to Cross Your Desk.mp4
25. The Sydney System for Classification & Reporting Lymph Node Cytopathology.mp4
26. Lymph Node Cytology – A Case Based Approach in Small Biopsies.mp4
27. Cerebrospinal Fluid & Vitreous Fluid Specimens.mp4
28. Gynecologic Cytology – Human Papillomavirus Biology & Testing in Pap Test Specimens.mp4
29. Gynecologic Cytology – ASCCP Guidelines & the Role of Cytology in Screening.mp4
30. Squamous Lesions in Gynecologic Cytology.mp4
31. Glandular Lesions & Rare Lesions in Gynecologic Cytology.mp4
32. Challenging GYN Unknown Cases.mp4
33. Cytology of Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma – Does Morphology Matter.mp4
34. Lung Tumors Other Than Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma.mp4
35. Ancillary Testing in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma – Why, When & How to Perform.mp4
36. Non-Neoplastic Pulmonary Cytology – Bugs, BALs & Beyond.mp4
37. Kidney Fine Needle Aspiration & Small Biopsy Specimens I.mp4
38. Kidney Fine Needle Aspiration & Small Biopsy Specimens II.mp4
39. Introduction to the Yokohama System.mp4
40. Challenging Cases in Breast Cytology.mp4
41. The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology.mp4
42. Benign & Reactive Findings in Urine Specimens.mp4
43. Neoplastic Findings in Urine Specimens.mp4
44. Instructive Urine Cytology Cases.mp4
45. Miscellaneous FNA Challenge Cases.mp4
46. Commonly Missed Cytopathology CAP Checklist Items I.mp4
47. Commonly Missed Cytopathology CAP Checklist Items II.mp4


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