Meetings By Mail Duke Radiology – A Comprehensive Review of Musculoskeletal MRI, 2nd 2016

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‘+ Include: 40 videos + 1 pdf, size: 2.59 GB

+ Target Audience: radiologist

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+ Include: 40 videos + 1 pdf, size: 2.59 GB

+ Target Audience: radiologist

+ Sample video: contact me for sample video

+ Topics:

1. Anatomy and Protocols.mp4
2. Menisci 1 – Tears.mp4
3. Menisci 2 – Discoid, Cysts, Flips and Extrusions.mp4
4. Cruciate Ligaments.mp4
5. Collateral Ligaments.mp4
6. Patella.mp4
7. Bursae and Cartillage.mp4
8. Osseous Abnormalities.mp4
9. Tendon Abnormalities.mp4
10. Labral Tears, Hip Plicae and FAI.mp4
11. MRI of Hip Arthroplasties.mp4
12. Q & A.mp4
13. Anatomy, Pathology and Protocols.mp4
14. Rotator Cuff Tears.mp4
15. Labrum – Glenohumeral Instability.mp4
16. Normal Variants of the Shoulder.mp4
17. Syndromes, Labral Tears and More.mp4
18. Technique and Osseous Abnormalities.mp4
19. Ligaments.mp4
20. TFCC.mp4
21. Tendons, Nerves and Masses.mp4
22. Tendons I.mp4
23. Tendons II.mp4
24. Tendons III.mp4
25. Ligaments.mp4
26. Tumors and Masses.mp4
27. Bony Abnormalities and Miscellany.mp4
28. Osseous & Osteochondral Injuries.mp4
29. Ligament Injuries and Instability.mp4
30. Muscle and Tendon Abnormalities.mp4
31. Q & A.mp4
32. Protocols.mp4
33. Disc Disease.mp4
34. Disc Disease Mimics.mp4
35. Spinal Stenosis, Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis.mp4
36. Q & A.mp4
37. Primary Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors.mp4
38. Hemorrhage and Intra-articular Masses.mp4
39. MR Imaging of Bone Marrow – Normal Patterns and Abnormal Processes.mp4
40. Q & A.mp4


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