+ Include: 84 videos, size: 18.7 GB
+ Target Audience: surgeon
+ Sample video: contact me for sample video
+ Information:
The Annual Advances on the Knee, Shoulder, Hip and Sports Medicine Conference is one of the few comprehensive continuing education courses that includes clinical, surgical, and rehabilitation techniques for knee, shoulder, elbow, hip, and sports medicine pathology. Our internationally recognized, multi-disciplinary faculty share their experiences, research, and clinical outcomes to stimulate medical professionals to rethink their approach to many musculoskeletal challenges.
- SURGEONS: Hear the latest information on clinical advances and rehabilitation for your patients
- SPORTS MEDICINE PHYSICIANS: Learn cutting edge treatment and advances in all aspects of sports injuries
- REHABILITATION: PT’s and ATC’s learn specific rehabilitation techniques and protocols for non-operative and operative care
- PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS: Learn advanced treatments to treat your patients after sports medicine injuries
- ALLIED HEALTH & COACHES: Hear from the experts on sports injuries and prevention options
+ Topics:
2023 Update Objective Tests and Criteria for Return-to-Sports After Knee Injuries.mp4
Advanced Phase Rehabilitation for the ACL Athlete.mp4
Advances in Total Knee Replacement for Young and Active Patients.mp4
Arthroscopic Management of Abductor Disorders of the Hip.mp4
Best Science Supporting Plyometric Exercises for Knee Rehabilitation and Prevention.mp4
Blood Flow Restriction Description and Implementation Options for the Upper and Lower Extremity.mp4
Cartilage Restoration Techniques What Really Works in 2023.mp4
Case Presentation- Anatomical Total Shoulder Arthroplasty After a Failed ORIF.mp4
Case Presentation- Anterior SLAP Anchor for a Rock Climbing Injury.mp4
Case Presentation- Arthroscopic Repair of a Dislocated Left Shoulder.mp4
Case Presentation- Arthroscopic Repair of Type II SLAP Tear on a 16yo Female.mp4
Case Presentation- AT Allograft for Acute ACL on a 22 y.o. Female Volleyball Player.mp4
Case Presentation- Biceps Tendon Repair for Left Elbow Pain Localized to the Antecubital Space and Proximal Volar Forearm.mp4
Case Presentation- Capsular Reconstruction for Hip Hyperextension Injury.mp4
Case Presentation- Double Row & Gluteus Medius Repair.mp4
Case Presentation- Hemiarthroplasty After a CAM Procedure for Arthritis.mp4
Case Presentation- Labral Reconstruction for Subspine Impingement Type 2.mp4
Case Presentation- Latarjet Procedure for a Patient with History of Shoulder Dislocations.mp4
Case Presentation- Right Shoulder Anterior-Inferior Labral Tear with Microinstability and Posterior Capsular Tightness.mp4
Case Presentation- Subacromial Balloon Spacer on a Male with Previous Diagnosis of a Degenerative Rotator Cuff Tear.mp4
Case Presentation- UCL Repair with Internal Brace Augmentation for Acute Onset Right Elbow Pain During Wrestling Match.mp4
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Why isn’t it Recognized More Frequently.mp4
Comprehensive Examination of the Shoulder.mp4
Conservative and Post-Operative Treatment Options for the Arthritic Shoulder.mp4
Consideration for Rotator Cuff Repair Footprint Anatomy and How Many Rows.mp4
Current Concepts of Neural Plasticity Following Shoulder Injuries and Implications for Rehabilitation.mp4
Diagnosis of Femoroacetabular Impingement.mp4
Distal Biceps Tendon Injuries.mp4
Effects of Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training on the Strength of the Shoulder Internal and External Rotators in Physically Active Healthy Subjects.mp4
Evaluation and Management of Impingement and the Stiff Shoulder.mp4
Evidence Based Approach to the Shoulder Examination.mp4
Gait Abnormalities, Retraining Techniques, and the Role of Unloading Braces.mp4
Hip Patient Personas Should We Manage Conservatively, Surgically, or Collaboratively.mp4
Knee Club Presentation of Interesting and Complex Knee Cases Q&A.mp4
Lateral Extra-Articular Procedures Indications and Technique 2.mp4
Lateral Extra-Articular Procedures Indications and Technique.mp4
Loss of Motion of the Shoulder Joint Recognition & Treatment – Adhesion Capsulitis & More.mp4
Management of Bone Loss when Performing Shoulder Replacement.mp4
Management of the First-Time Shoulder Dislocation.mp4
Management of the Long Head of the Biceps Pathology Tenotomy and Tenodesis.mp4
Management of the Young Patient with Shoulder OA.mp4
Managing Glenoid and Humeral Bone Loss in Anterior Instability.mp4
Memorial Day Tribute.mp4
Micro Instability of the Hip Fact or Fiction.mp4
Modern Treatments for Meniscal Injuries.mp4
New Concepts in Rotator Cuff Tendon Healing Protein, Cells, Matrix, Augmentation.mp4
New Treatment Options for Massive and Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears.mp4
Non-arthroplasty Management of Elbow Arthritis.mp4
Objective Tests and How to Determine Safe Return to Sports to Avoid Reinjury.mp4
P-F Biomechanics and Function Rehabilitation Concepts in the Athlete.mp4
Patellar Instability and Trochlear Dysplasia- How and When to Address.mp4
Post Operative Management – Factors Affecting Rehab.mp4
Post-Operative Management of Shoulder Instability.mp4
Posterior Hip and Gluteus Pain Diagnosis and Treatment.mp4
Posterior Shoulder Instability.mp4
Problem Patients Following ACL Reconstruction Navigating LOM, Poor Quad Function, and Pain Does Graft Choice Matter.mp4
Rehabilitation Following Hip Arthroscopy for FAI and Labral Repair.mp4
Rehabilitation Following Patellofemoral Procedures.mp4
Rehabilitation Following Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery One Size Does Not Fit All.mp4
Rehabilitation Following UCL Surgery Repair and Reconstruction – Where are we Today.mp4
Rehabilitation Pearls After Meniscus and Cartilage Restoration.mp4
Rehabilitation Principles Following PCL and Posterolateral Reconstruction.mp4
Rehabilitation Techniques and Pearls for the Stiff Shoulder.mp4
Reliability of the Blaze Pods for Upper Extremity Neuro-Cognitive Reactive Closed Kinetic Chain Stability Tests.mp4
Return to Play Workshop.mp4
Return to Sports Testing- UE LE Testing.mp4
Return-to-Play Following Hip Arthroscopy An Evidence Based 5 Criterion Testing Protocol.mp4
Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Massive Cuff Tears and Cuff Arthropathy.mp4
Revision ACL Considerations to Maximize Successful Outcomes.mp4
Role of Orthobiologics in Muscle and Tendon Injuries Effectiveness and Contraindications.mp4
Rotator Cuff Tears Case Presentations.mp4
Rotator Cuff Tears Improving Results in Overhead Athletes.mp4
Shoulder Examination The Physical Therapist’s Perspective.mp4
Shoulder Stiffness- 2023 Update.mp4
Special Considerations for the Female Athlete.mp4
Superior Labral-Biceps Complex Rare Indications for SLAP Repair.mp4
Tendonopathy and Tendon Repairs Around the Elbow.mp4
The Anterior Closing Wedge Proximal Tibial Osteotomy Current State of Use in Revision ACL Reconstructions.mp4
The Key to the Knee Lateral and Posterolateral Knee Anatomy.mp4
The Key to the Knee Medial and Anterior Knee Anatomy.mp4
The Stiff Knee and Arthrofibrosis Clinical Application.mp4
Treatment of the ACL Deficient Knee Case Presentations.mp4
Update Role of High Tibial Osteotomy and Surgical Techniques.mp4
What’s New in the Rehabilitation of the Overhead Athlete.mp4
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