Cedars Sinai International Endoscopy Symposium 2023

60 $

+ Include: 4 videos + 1 pdf, size: 53.7 GB

+ Target Audience: Gastroenterology, Imaging, Internal Medicine, Radiology Physician


+ Include: 4 videos + 1 pdf, size: 53.7 GB

+ Target Audience: Gastroenterology, Imaging, Internal Medicine, Radiology Physician

+ Sample video: contact me for sample video

+ Information:

Date & Location

Thursday, January 26, 2023, 7:30 AM – Sunday, January 29, 2023, 1:00 PM PST, Online and Cedars-Sinai Harvey Morse Conference Center, Los Angeles, CA

Target Audience
Specialties – Gastroenterology, Imaging, Internal Medicine, Radiology

The Cedars-Sinai International Endoscopy activity will offer an intensive and comprehensive review of pancreatic and biliary endoscopy for the benefit of gastroenterologists, gastroenterology fellows and gastroenterology nurses and technicians. Invited expert faculty will perform multiple live luminal endoscopy, EUS and ERCP procedures to demonstrate techniques and technology for the benefit of participants watching the live feed. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions virtually about what they are viewing through the session moderator. The activity will focus on live procedure demonstrations covering endoscopic interventions for IBD and esophageal conditions, innovations in endoscopy and endoscopic closure, stapling content and multiple live ERCP and EUS demonstrations. Balanced viewpoints, special techniques, and practical clinical approaches will be highlighted throughout the activity.

  1. Recognize patient- and procedure-related risk factors associated with ERCP and implement evidence-based patient safety measures to optimize outcomes
  2. Critically evaluate complex and challenging ERCP cases and discuss optimal approaches to patient management and avoiding complications
  3. Assess endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for managing patients with gastrointestinal, pancreaticobiliary and hepatic diseases
  4. Distinguish and select the most appropriate diagnostic and treatment approach for patients with luminal gastrointestinal issues
  5. Assess current and emerging diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in GI endoscopy and how best to implement best practices in the endoscopy suite
  6. Identify current surgical and medical treatment and management strategies for the patient with pancreatic cancer


+ Topics:

*Note: these are continuous video recordings during the conference, they include individual lectures mentioned in the Detail section below

January 26.mp4 (8 hours)
January 27.mp4 (10 hours)
January 28.mp4 (10 hours)
January 29.mp4 (5 hours)



Thursday, January 26, 2023
Day 1

Locations: Harvey Morse Auditorium (HMA) and Simulation Center. All sessions held in HMA are livestreamed for virtual attendees.

Welcome and Introductory Remarks
7:55AM – 8:00AM
David L. Carr-Locke, MD
Shelly C. Lu, MD
Bariatric endoscopy: An emerging endoscopy discipline

Moderators: David L. Carr-Locke, MD, Kenneth H Park, MD (Location: HMA)

Introduction and brief overview
8:00AM – 8:15AM
Rabindra Watson, MD
Bariatric medicine – the basic practice and training
8:15AM – 8:30AM
Reem Z. Sharaiha , MD
Bariatric endoscopic techniques – Intragastric balloons
8:50AM – 9:05AM
Rabindra Watson, MD
What is on the horizon of endoscopic bariatric frontier?
9:05AM – 9:25AM
Reem Z. Sharaiha , MD
Q&A Panel
9:25AM – 9:45AM
9:45AM – 10:10AM
Luminal & third space endoscopy/Endoscopic resection and incisions

Moderators: Brian Boulay, MD, Juan Carlos Bucobo, MD (Location: HMA)

Submucosal tattoo and mucosal lifting: dont make life difficult for us!
10:10AM – 10:25AM
David L. Carr-Locke, MD
Mucosal ablation: beyond EMR (RFA, avulsion, cryo)
10:25AM – 10:45AM
Greg Haber, MD
Doing everything within the third space
10:45AM – 11:05AM
Naohisa Yahagi, MD
Going full thickness
11:05AM – 11:20AM
Jooha Ha Hwang, MD
Special video presentation
11:20AM – 11:40AM
David L. Carr-Locke, MD
11:40AM – 12:45PM
Endoscopic closure

Moderators: Sofiya Gukovsky-Reicher, MD, Reem Z. Sharaiha , MD (Location: HMA)

When and how to do tissue closure? Clip, OTSC, tack or stitch?
12:45PM – 1:00PM
Kenneth H Park, MD
Trouble-shooting of technical issues with endosuturing
1:00PM – 1:20PM
Jooha Ha Hwang, MD
Q&A Panel
1:20PM – 1:30PM
Hands-On Workshop

Sessions Include: ERCP, EUS, Endosuturing, EMR/ESD & Procedure Complications. This workshop is open to all attendees, however, priority is given to all registered Fellows. (Location: Simulation Center)

Hands-On Workshop
1:30PM – 5:30PM
Laith H. Jamil, MD
Brian Boulay, MD
James L. Buxbaum, MD
Stanley K. Dea, MD
Viktor E. Eysselein, MD
Jenan Ghaith, MD
Daniel Lew, MD
Charles Menz, MD
Alexander J. Podboy, MD
Michael E. Schafer, MD
James Sul, MD
David S Vitale, MD
Khalid Al-Shamousi, MD
Jerome D. Cohen, MD
Murad Aburajab, MD
Vijay Jayaraman , MDFor an overview of the Hands-on Workshop, Click Here.

Radiation safety

Moderators: Yifang (Jimmy) Zhou, PhD (Location: HMA)

Radiation Safety in Digital Fluoroscopy Instrumentation and Operation
1:30PM – 2:30PM
Yifang (Jimmy) Zhou, PhD
Radiation Safety in Digital Fluoroscopy: Risks, Benefits and Regulations
2:30PM – 3:30PM
Alexander W. Scott II, PhD
Radiation Safety in Digital Fluoroscopy Mobile Fluoroscopy
3:30PM – 4:30PM
Alok Shankar Pookotte Alanchery, PhD
Radiation Safety in Interventional Endoscopic Procedures
4:30PM – 5:30PM
Sofiya Reicher, MD
Karl K. Kwok, MD
5:30PM – 5:31PM
Friday, January 27, 2023
Day 2

Location: Harvey Morse Auditorium (HMA). All sessions held in HMA are livestreamed for virtual attendees.

Bariatric surgery – state of the art review
7:45AM – 8:00AM
Miguel Burch, MD
Live procedure demonstrations

(Location: HMA)

Live Procedure demonstrations
8:00AM – 3:00PMModerator Schedule:
8:00 AM- Richard A. Kozarek, MD, James L. Buxbaum, MD, Nicholas Nissen, MD
9:30 AM – Juan Carlos Bucobo, MD, Jerome D. Cohen, MD, Nicholas Nissen, MD
11:00 AM – Richard A. Kozarek, MD, Brian Boulay, MD, Kambiz Kosari, MD
12:30 PM – James L. Buxbaum, MD, Sofiya Gukovsky-Reicher, MD, Kambiz Kosari, MD
2:00 PM – Alexander J. Podboy, MD, Kambiz Kosari, MD

Guest Procedure Faculty

David L Carr-Locke MD
Kenneth Chang, MD
Gregory Haber, MD
Mouen Khashab, MD
Todd H. Baron, MD
Joo HA Hwang, MD
Jong H. Moon, MD
Reem Z. Sharaiha, MD
Kenneth Binmoeller MD
Naohisa Yahagi MD
Duvur Nageshwar Reddy,MD

Interventional EUS

Moderators: David L. Carr-Locke, MD, Reem Z. Sharaiha , MD (Location: HMA)

Introduction and brief review
3:00PM – 3:10PM
David L. Carr-Locke, MD
EUS applications in Endohepatology
3:10PM – 3:30PM
Kenneth J. Chang, MD
Duodenal stenting or EUS-guided gastrojejunostomy for duodenal obstruction?
3:30PM – 3:50PM
Todd H. Baron, MD
Management of acute cholecystitis in surgically unfit patients: percutaneous cholecystotomy, transcystic stenting or EUS guided cholecystotomy?
3:50PM – 4:10PM
Kenneth F. Binmoeller, MD
Novel applications of EUS in creation of intestinal fistulas
4:10PM – 4:30PM
Mouen Khashab, MD
EUS-guided biliary rendezvous and direct drainage procedures
4:30PM – 4:50PM
Todd H. Baron, MD
EUS and ERCP in the management of disconnected pancreatic duct
4:50PM – 5:20PM
Richard A. Kozarek, MD
Q&A Panel
5:20PM – 5:45PM
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Day 3

Location: Harvey Morse Auditorium (HMA). All sessions held in HMA are livestreamed for virtual attendees.

Literature Review 2022
8:00AM – 8:35AM
David L. Carr-Locke, MD
Post-operative ERCP

Moderators: Jerome D. Cohen, MD, Jong H. Moon, MD (Location: HMA)

Evaluation of the pancreatic duct after pancreaticojejunostomy
8:35AM – 8:50AM
Nageshwar Reddy Duvvur, MD
Post-chole and liver transplant strictures: how should they be managed these days?
8:50AM – 9:05AM
Jong Ho Moon, MD
Diagnosis and management of afferent limb obstruction
9:05AM – 9:20AM
Kenneth F. Binmoeller, MD
Updates on the POEM procedures
9:20AM – 9:40AM
Mouen Khashab, MD
Duodenoscope infection:

Moderators: Binesh Batra, MD, Richard A. Kozarek, MD (Location: HMA)

Duodenoscope transmission of biliary infection: the current status
9:40AM – 10:00AM
Karl K. Kwok, MD
Clinical experience with single-use duodenoscope: two years later
10:00AM – 10:15AM
David L. Carr-Locke, MD
10:15AM – 10:30AM
Live Procedure Demonstrations

(Location: HMA)

Live demonstrations
10:30AM – 5:30PMModerator Schedule:

10:30 AM – Reem Z. Sharaiha, MD, Kambiz Kosari, MD, Nicholas Nissen, MD
12:00 PM – Alexander J. Podboy, MD, Binesh Batra, MD, Nicholas Nissen, MD
1:30 PM – James L. Buxbaum, MD, Michael E. Schafer, MD, Kambiz Kosari, MD
3:00 PM – Reem Z. Sharaiha, MD, Theodore N. Stein, MD, Kambiz Kosari, MD
4:30 PM – Richard A. Kozarek, MD, Binesh Batra, MD, Kambiz Kosari, MDGuest Procedure Faculty

David L Carr-Locke MD
Kenneth Chang, MD
Gregory Haber, MD
Mouen Khashab, MD
Todd H. Baron, MD
Joo Ha Hwang, MD
Jong H. Moon, MD
Reem Z. Sharaiha, MD
Kenneth Binmoeller MD
Naohisa Yahagi MD
Duvur Nageshwar Reddy,MD

Sunday, January 29, 2023
Day 4

Locations: Harvey Morse Auditorium (HMA) and Pavilion All sessions held in HMA are livestreamed for virtual attendees.

Pediatric Interventionalist Program

Moderators: – Session 1: David S. Vitale, MD/Quin Y. Liu, MD – Session 2: Michael Manfredi, MD/Brad Barth, MD (Location: Pavilion)

8:00AM – 8:10AM
Quin Y. Liu, MD
Brad Barth, MD
Key Note Speaker: Management of Anastomotic Esophageal Strictures
8:10AM – 9:00AM
Michael Manfredi, MD
Endoflip and Esoflip in Children, what to know to use it tomorrow
9:05AM – 9:20AM
David M Troendle, MD
Endoscopic management of esophageal leaks and perforations
9:25AM – 9:40AM
Michael Manfredi, MD
Endoscopic management of refractory ulcers
9:45AM – 10:00AM
Brad Barth, MD
10:00AM – 10:15AM
Therapeutic EUS in the very small child: when the linear doesn’t fit
10:15AM – 10:30AM
Rashmi Advani, MD
David S Vitale, MD
ERCP for pancreatic duct stones in children
10:35AM – 10:50AM
Quin Y. Liu, MD
ESWL for pancreatic duct stones
10:55AM – 11:10AM
David M Troendle, MD
GI bleeding: when burning is not enough
11:15AM – 11:30AM
David S Vitale, MD
How I became a therapeutic endoscopic panel discussion
11:35AM – 11:55AM
Quin Y. Liu, MD
David S Vitale, MD
Michael Manfredi, MD
Brad Barth, MD
David M Troendle, MD
Closing Remarks
11:55AM – 11:59AM
Quin Y. Liu, MD
Brad Barth, MD
General Session: Case Discussion

Moderators: Jerome D. Cohen, MD, Alexander J. Podboy, MD Case Presenters: Rashmi Advani, MD, Jenan Ghaith, MD, Daniel Lew, MD, Muhammad Faisal Mubarak, MD (Location: HMA)

8:01AM – 9:50AM
David L. Carr-Locke, MD
Nageshwar Reddy Duvvur, MD
Nicholas Nissen, MD
Kenneth J. Chang, MD
Greg Haber, MD
Richard A. Kozarek, MD
Coffee break
9:50AM – 10:15AM
General Session: Malignant hilar strictures

Moderators: Laith H. Jamil, MD, James Sul, MD (Location: HMA)

How should the biliary endoscopist approach a newly discovered hilar stricture
10:15AM – 10:30AM
Greg Haber, MD
RFA technique applications limitations and complications
10:30AM – 10:45AM
Nageshwar Reddy Duvvur, MD
Is bilateral metal stenting still the thing to do ?
10:45AM – 11:00AM
Jong Ho Moon, MD
General Session: Pancreatic Cancer

(Location: HMA)

How valuable is gene sequencing done on tumor tissue
11:00AM – 11:15AM
Arsen Osipov, MD
What the endoscopist can help or hurt in pancreatic cancer care from the surgeon’s perspective
11:15AM – 11:30AM
Nicholas Nissen, MD
Performing EUS for PDAC: beyond diagnostic indications
11:30AM – 11:45AM
Kenneth J. Chang, MD
General Session: Procedure Reviews

(Location: HMA)

Procedure Reviews
11:45AM – 12:40PM
Simon K. Lo, MD
David L. Carr-Locke, MD
Meeting adjourn
12:40PM – 12:45PM


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