+ Include: 22 videos + 77 pdfs, size: 9.73 GB
+ Target Audience: internal medicine physican
+ Sample video: contact me for sample video
+ Information:
The 35th Annual Intensive Review of Internal Medicine is a course that covers topics such as:
- Essential concepts to prepare for the Internal Medicine Board Certification Examination
- Advances in internal medicine and their clinical implications
- Enhanced test -taking skills using an interactive system of board simulation
- Areas of relative personal strength in internal medicine
The 35th Annual Intensive Review of Internal Medicine brings together:
- Physicians desiring a review of state-of-the-art developments in internal medicine
- Physicians preparing for Internal Medicine Board Certification or recertification
+ Topics:
0730 AlHilli 2023_Genitourinary Malignancies – Female).ppt.pdf
0730 Chatterjee 2023 UPDATED_Vers 2_Board Simulation in General Rheumatology.pdf
0730 Zimmerman_Diabetes Mellitus.pdf
0730_Kanj_UPDATED 2023_Atrial Fibrilation UPDATED.pdf
0755_Onger UPDATED_Breast Cancer_2023 UPDATED.pdf
0810 Chatterjee 2023 UPDATED_Vers 2_Approach to Acute Arthritis.pdf
0810 Dresing 2023_Ventricular Tachycardia and Sudden Cardiac Death.pdf
0810 Makin 2023_Androgenic and Reproductive Disorders.pdf
0815 Ashton UPDATED 2023_Welcome and Strategies.pdf
0825_Molina_UPDATED Leukemia and Associated Diagnoses UPDATED.pdf
0845 Kalahasti 2023 UPDATED_Board Simulation in Cardiology I June 12 2023.pdf
0850 Albert 2023_Heart Failure 2023.pdf
0850 Khan 2023_Hypercalcemia hypocalemia Osteoporosis.pdf
0900 Silver 2023_Bleeding & Platelet Disorders.pdf
0910 Bunyard 2023_Chronic Arthritis.F.pdf
0925_Bhattacharya_UPDATED Cardiomyopathies 2023 UPDATED.pdf
0930 PRESENTING VIRTUALLY Vouyiouklis Kellis 2023_Thyroid Disorders.pdf
0930 Young UPDATED Young_STEMI.pdf
0935_Jagadeesh_UPDATED Lymphoma UPDATED.pdf
1000 Reed 2023 UPDATED V2 _NSTEMI_2022.pdf
1015 Kalahasti 2023_Aortic valve stenosis and regurgitation.pdf
1025 Angelini 2023_Anemias_2023.pdf
1025 Villa-Forte UPDATED 2023_Systemic Autoimmune Disorders with answers.pdf
1025 Yogi-Morren 2023_Pituitary Disorders – Mini-Board Simulation.pdf
1030 Wassif 2023 UPDATEDv3 Management of Stable CAD 6.12.2023 FINALHWW .pdf
1050_Collier_UPDATED Mitral Stenosis & Regurgitation 2023 UPDATED.pdf
1100 Eilenfeld 2022_Palliative Medicine_2021.pdf
1105 Olansky UPDATED 2023_AdrenalIMBoardRev2023-Final.pdf
1110 Bhargava 2023 UPDATED cardiac evaluation.pdf
1125 Kalahasti 2023_Board Simulation in Cardiology II June 16 2023.pdf
1125 Langford UPDATED 2023_Systemic Vasculitis.pdf
1130_Wooley_UPDATED Oncologic Emergencies UPDATED.pdf
1140 Laffin 2023_Coronary Artery Disease Risk Assesment & Prevention.pdf
1145_UPDATED_Mehta_Endocrinology – Mini-Board Simulation audiencecopy.pdf
1200 Wee_2022 Genitourinary Malignancies – Male_2022.pdf
1210 Faulx 2023_ECG Interpretation.pdf
1300_Batur_UPDATED Board Sim Womens Health 2023 UPDATED.pdf
1310_Mehdi_UPDATED Chronic Kidney Disease 2023 UPDATED.pdf
1320 Nowacki 2023_Board Simulation in Biostatistics 2023.pdf
1320 Thota 2023 UPDATED_Esophageal Diseases.pdf
1325 Ashton 2023_Board Simulation in Pulmonary Medicine.pdf
1350 Macaron 2023 UPDATED VERS 2_Colon Cancer.pdf
1350 Pallotta UPDATED 2023_HIV and Antiretroviral Drugs 2023.pdf
1350 Thomas 2023_Hallmarks of Primary and Secondary Hypertension 2023 final_.pdf
1350_UPDATED Factora_Board Simulation in Geriatrics v2023.2.pdf
1410 MacMurdo 2023_Occ Med.pdf
1410 Tungsiripat 2023 UPDATED_AIDS and Opportunistic Infections_2022.pdf
1420 Cohen 2023 UPDATED_Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2023.pdf
1420_Claytor_UPDATED Neurology Board Sim UPDATED.pdf
1430 Bartley 2023 UPDATED_Common Ambulatory Infections.pdf
1430 Sawaf 2023_GlomerularDiseasesBoardReview.pdf
1450 Gomes-UPDATED IM Board Review- VTE – Final.pdf
1450 Jansson-Knodell 2023_Diarrhea and Malabsorption_2023.pdf
1500 Shrestha 2023_Endocarditis and Vascular Device Infections.pdf
1520 Parambil 2023_Interstitial Lung Disease.pdf
1520 Warren 2023_ Board Sim in Derm.pdf
1530_Deitzer UPDATED_Vers 2Acute Kidney Injury 2023 UPDATED.pdf
1530_Johnson_UPDATED_Mycobacterial Infections IM Review 2023 CCF.pdf
1555 Miller 2023_Neurologic Infections.pdf
1600 Stevens 2023 UPDATED_Pancreatic Diseases.pdf
1605_Williams_UPDATED3 Board Simulation in Hematology Oncology_2023 UPDATED.pdf
1610 Dhingra UPDATED_acid based disorders_2023 UPDATED.pdf
1615 Latfi 2023 UPDATE_IRIM2023Asthma.pdf
1625 Modi 2023_UPDATED Ver 2 _Selection and Management of Antimicrobial Therapy.pdf
1630 Garber 2023 UPDATED_Board Simulation in Gastroenterology 6-14-2023.pdf
1640 Attaway 2023_COPD_UPDATED.pdf
1650 McGuire UPDATED_Water_and_Electrolytes_2.pdf
1650_Theil_UPDATED Board Simulation in Hematology – Cellular Morphology 2023.pdf
1655 Lum 2023 UPDATEDv2_Skin Infections and Mimics 2023.pdf
1710 Mehta UPDATED Board review 2023.pdf
1715 O’Shea 2022_Liver Diseases_2.pdf
1725 Holman 2023_STI LECTURE IM REVIEW FINAL.pdf
1740 Duggal 2023_Board Simulation in Criticial Care Medicine.pdf
1745 O’Shea 2022_Board Simulation in Hepatology_2021.pdf
1750 Ferreira Provenzano_UPDATED Board Simulation in Nephrology_2023.pdf
1755 Erickson 2023 UPDATED_Board Simulation in Infectious Disease.pdf
1815 Choi 2023_Lung Cancer.pdf
Cardiology I.mp4
Cardiology II.mp4
Cardiology III.mp4
Cardiology IV.mp4
Cardiology V.mp4
Endocrinology I.mp4
Endocrinology II.mp4
Gastroenterology I.mp4
Gastroenterology II.mp4
Hematology _ Medical Oncology I.mp4
Hematology _ Medical Oncology II.mp4
Infectious Diseases I.mp4
Infectious Diseases II.mp4
Liver Diseases.mp4
Nephrology & Hypertension I.mp4
Nephrology & Hypertension II.mp4
Pulmonary I.mp4
Pulmonary II.mp4
Rheumatology I.mp4
Rheumatology II.mp4
Sub Specialty Topics I.mp4
Sub Specialty Topics II.mp4
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