+ Include: 19 videos + 4 pdfs, size: 7 GB
+ Target Audience: physicians and healthcare providers in critical and intensive care, emergency medicine, including surgeons
+ Sample video: contact me for sample video
+ Information:
Friday, April 9, 2021, 9:00 AM – Saturday, April 10, 2021, 1:15 PM PST, Online
This engaging everything-you-need-to-know-about-simulation-based-training will provide participants with evidence-based presentations that explore how simulation can be an innovative tool for learning and training as well as for assessment of performance. Attendees will explore how simulation training can enhance technical and functional expertise, contribute to problem-solving and decision-making skills, and improve interpersonal and communication skills and team based competencies. Join your colleagues for this adventure into the world of simulation and learn how evidence-based practices can be put into action through protocols and collaborative approaches using simulation scenarios.
Target Audience
This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of physicians, nurses, nurse educators, simulation educators, paramedics, simulation operation specialists, resuscitation scientists and healthcare providers in critical and intensive care, emergency medicine, including surgeons and educators interested in developing simulation-based training to improve performance, communication and collaboration among members of the inter-professional healthcare team using adult learning principles and an interactive and immersive approach to high risk patient care.
Justification for the Conference
The CALSIM 2021 designed to inspire, inform and interconnect professionals responsible for various roles in healthcare simulation centers. Medical Simulation is an emerging professional field which currently has little to no formalized educational pathways for entrance. Thus, everyone who starts or continues a career into medical simulation has side-stepped into Healthcare Simulation from another field or industry. This means that the majority of this community bring with them a wealth of specialized knowledge that their peers may not have. A specialized training meeting to come together and share these best practices gained from years of experience in other fields enables all Sim Techs to walk away with a much greater ability to perform the many responsibilities of their professional duties.
Advantages Over Other Simulation Events
From aviation to simulation journey to proactive simulation for high risk surgery… CALSIM2021 is all about the simulation for and beyond critical care. Attendees return home with an arsenal of valuable skills and knowledge, new techniques that can enhance realism in scenarios, increased reliability and flexibility of a simulation center’s systems, and more.
-Affordable registration: CALSIM 2021 organizing committee works hard to partner with the right vendor sponsors to make sure the event is the best value for investments made into technical staff.
CALSIM 2021 events give attendees the chance to share best practices, ideas, and innovations with each other. Attendees return home with new ideas and new resources from national and international colleagues working in simulation centers at universities, hospitals, fire departments and more!
By registering for the virtual activity, you will be able to view presentations, hear live audio, and interact online. This virtual activity will be fully web-based, and you will need a computer/laptop or tablet, audio and an internet connection. Details will be emailed to all attendees before the activity. Please be aware that you are not authorized to record, copy or share content in any manner.
- Integrate simulation training across complex health systems
- Recognize the role that simulation offers as a medium for change in interprofessional education
- Explore the benefits of broad engagement among clinical and ancillary department personnel
+ Topics:
Anesthesia and Simulation.mp4
Bridging the gap- Empowering the low resource countries to embrace simulation.mp4
Bridging the gap- Empowering the low resource countries to embrace simulation.pdf
Human Factors, Surgery and Realistic Simulation.A personal odyssey.mp4
Human Factors.mp4
Making simulation work in complex healthcare environment.mp4
Q&A 1.mp4
Q&A 2.mp4
Q&A 3.mp4
Q&A 4.mp4
Q&A 5.mp4
Q&A 6.mp4
RCDP and CPR.mp4
Regulations in Simulation.mp4
Risk management in medical simulation.mp4
Simulation based hospital design testing and Debriefing.mp4
Simulation Based Mastery Learning.mp4
Simulation Based Mastery Learning.pdf
Teaming and Performing in a New Era- Research Reflections and Frontiers.mp4
Teaming and Performing in a New Era- Research Reflections and Frontiers.pdf
Use of simulations for Mars 2020 Entry, Descent, and Landing.mp4
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