American Society of Echocardiography Advanced Imaging Techniques 2022

35 $

+ Include: 6 videos + 1 pdf, size: 2.78 GB

+ Target Audience: sonographers


+ Include: 6 videos + 1 pdf, size: 2.78 GB

+ Target Audience: sonographers 

+ Sample video: contact me for sample video

+ Information:

2022 Advanced Imaging Techniques: OnDemand Course  provides all content originally recorded during the live course on December 3-4, 2022. It features a clinically applicable program aimed at the sonographer/practitioner directly involved in advanced echo imaging.

The 2022 Advanced Imaging Techniques: OnDemand Course is an online educational program that covers all the content from the live course held on December 3-4, 2022, aiming to provide clinicians with practical knowledge on advanced echo imaging. This course will equip you with the necessary skills to perform advanced 3D and Strain imaging and analyze raw datasets.

This course is directed by the renowned Carol Mitchell, PhD, RDMS, RVT, RT(R), ACS, FASE, and Tony Forshaw, M Cardiac Ultrasound, B Ex Sci, AMS (Cardiac), FASE, and aims to enhance the application of these advanced imaging techniques with a clinical focus.

Key Features:
The program provides a clinically applicable curriculum exclusively designed for practitioners working in advanced echo imaging. The course covers essential topics such as practical how-to techniques of advanced 3D and Strain Imaging, improved software packages, and 3D and Strain being included as part of the routine echocardiographic examination. It focuses on the practical aspects of data acquisition and analysis of raw datasets.

Target Audience:
This course is targeted at sonographers and practitioners directly involved in advanced echo imaging who wish to equip themselves with the latest skills to excel in their field.

The 2022 Advanced Imaging Techniques: OnDemand Course is a must-have for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in advanced echo imaging. The course is designed to provide you with practical hands-on skills that you can apply in the real world. Upon completion of the course, you will be better equipped to recognize the clinical application of advanced echo imaging techniques, perform 3D and Strain imaging analysis, and assess the left ventricle, right ventricle, and atria.

Rating and Review:
Overall, the 2022 Advanced Imaging Techniques: OnDemand Course is a comprehensive and informative program. The course is well-structured and easy to follow, and the instructors are highly knowledgeable and experienced. The modules are well-presented, informative, and provide practical insights into advanced echo imaging techniques that can enhance patient care. This course is highly recommended for sonographers and practitioners involved in advanced echo imaging.

Product Details

2022 Advanced Imaging Techniques: OnDemand Course  provides all content originally recorded during the live course on December 3-4, 2022. It features a clinically applicable program aimed at the sonographer/practitioner directly involved in advanced echo imaging.

Created by course directors Carol Mitchell, PhD, RDMS, RVT, RT(R), ACS, FASE, and Tony Forshaw, M Cardiac Ultrasound, B Ex Sci, AMS (Cardiac), FASE, the course will focus on:

  • The practical how-to techniques of advanced 3D and Strain Imaging.
  • Improved software packages resulting in the increase of clinical application of these techniques, with 3D and Strain included as part of the routine echocardiographic examination.
  • A strong emphasis placed on practical aspects of data acquisition and analysis of raw datasets.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the clinical application of advanced echo imaging techniques.
  • Describe the basic principles around strain imaging.
  • Improve acquisition of quality 3D datasets
  • Identify imaging pitfalls affecting acquisition of speckle tracking datasets
  • Perform 3D analysis to assess the left ventricle, right ventricle, & mitral valve during structural interventions
  • Perform strain imaging analysis to assess the left ventricle, right ventricle, & atria.


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