Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies Annual Meeting On-Demand 2020

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‘+ Include: 79 videos, size: 13.4 GB

+ Target Audience: hematologist


+ Include: 79 videos, size: 13.4 GB

+ Target Audience: hematologist

+ Sample video: contact me for sample video

+ Topics:

2020 BB SBB Exam Review.mp4
A Step Above the Basics of HLA for Apheresis Transfusion Practitioners.mp4
Advances in Understanding of RBC Alloimmunization – Mechanisms and Interventions.mp4
Alternatives to Apheresis Emerging Therapies.mp4
Approaches to Pediatric Allergic Transfusion Reaction.mp4
Are You a Group or a Team.mp4
Ask the FDA.mp4
Ask the Standards.mp4
Assessment of Anemia Tolerance to Guide Transfusion Decision Making.mp4
Assessment of New Products and Research in Neonatal and Pediatric Transfusion Protective or over-Protective.mp4
Automated Hemovigilance Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and Big Data Analysis.mp4
Benefit-Risk Assessment to Inform FDA Regulatory Decisions.mp4
Big Data and Large Randomized Controlled Trials Shaping Transfusion Practices in Little People Evidence Shall Lead the Way.mp4
Blood Bank Inspections – Staying Prepared, Handling Them, and Following up Effectively.mp4
Breaking up in Sickle Cell Anemia Impacting Disease Pathophysiology and Transfusion Support.mp4
Cardiac Surgery – Controversies in Blood Product Utilization, Coagulation Testing, and Perioperative Therapies.mp4
Case Studies in Extracorporeal Life Support.mp4
Cellular Therapies for SARS-CoV2.mp4
Chimerism Clinical Implications for Transfusion and Transplantation.mp4
Comparing and Contrasting Centrifuge and Membrane Therapeutic Plasma Exchange.mp4
Complying with the ABO Second Sample in Pediatrics.mp4
Controversies in Stem Cell Tourism Practical and Ethical Considerations.mp4
COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma (CCP) The Regulatory Landscape.mp4
COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma – Optimizing Collection Strategies and State of RCTs.mp4
Delivering Next Generation Cell and Gene Therapies Toward FDA Approval for Early Stage Clinical Trials.mp4
Desaf¡os T‚cnicos y Cl¡nicos En El Banco De Sangre De Cord¢n Umbilical.mp4
Does Assessing Vital Signs Contribute to Blood Donation Safety.mp4
Engineered Microphysiological Systems AABB TERMIS Joint Session.mp4
Enlightening Studies in Therapeutic Apheresis What’s Been Done, What’s Happening, and What’s to Come.mp4
Essential Twitter for Blood Banking and Cellular Therapy Professionals.mp4
Establishing and Applying Quality Assessments in Therapeutic Apheresis.mp4
Evolving the Armed Services Blood Program of Today to Support the Global Transfusion Medicine Needs of Tomorrow.mp4
Expanding Transfusion Service Models for Remote Support.mp4
Firearm Injuries in the United States National Data and Evolution of the Transfusion Management Evidence Base.mp4
From ABO Blood Group Determination to Immune Tolerance Induction What Is the Role of the Human Gut Microbiome.mp4
HLA Platelet Matching Algorithms Epitope Matching Is Changing the Landscape.mp4
Implementing the FDA Guidance for Industry of Platelets Bacterial Risk Control Strategies from a Blood Center and Transfusion Service Perspective.mp4
Incident and Error Reporting Leveraging the Opportunities for Safer Transfusions.mp4
Innovative Alternatives to Platelet Transfusion.mp4
Innovative Cord Blood Derived Therapies.mp4
Integrating the Blood Center Physician with the Blood Center Executive Team.mp4
iPSCs for the Treatment of Beta Hemoglobinopathies.mp4
Keeping up with the Donor History Task Force Major Changes in Blood Donor Screening.mp4
Late-breaking Oral Abstract Session.mp4
Make Your Transfusion Teaching Stick.mp4
Malaria Susceptibility and Erythrocyte Antigens An Update in the Genomic Age.mp4
Mechanisms and Technologies Towards Expanding Hematopoietic Stem Cells for Transplantation.mp4
Mechanisms of Hematopoietic Stem Cells Towards Rejuvenation of the Aging Hematopoietic System.mp4
Men Who Have Sex with Men Is Plasma Donation the Next Step.mp4
Multidisciplinary Team Building Anesthesiology, Nursing and the Transfusion Service.mp4
New Therapeutic Options for Patients with Sickle Cell Disease & Their Effect on the Transfusion Service.mp4
Oral Abstract Session COVID-19.mp4
Oral Abstract Session Data Driven Clinical Practice.mp4
Oral Abstract Session Donor Collection.mp4
Oral Abstract Session New Blood Group Antigens and Novel Alleles.mp4
Oral Abstract Session Pediatrics and Obstetrics.mp4
Oral Abstract Session Rh Molecular and Clinical Applications.mp4
Platelet Inventory Management for Transfusion Services.mp4
Plenary Oral Abstract Session.mp4
Practical Hemostasis in Transfusion Medicine Test Interpretation & Therapeutic Strategies for Coagulation Conundrums.mp4
Practical Tales of Red Cell Genotyping Through the Eyes of the Molecular Biologist, Serologist, and Physician.mp4
Preparing Your Transfusion Service and Cellular Therapy Laboratory for Clinical Trials.mp4
Recent Advances in the Practice of Pediatric Transfusion Medicine.mp4
Rh Disease Still a Global Problem.mp4
Searching for the Gold Standard in Patient Blood Management- Effective Means to Measure Your Successes.mp4
Setting the Standard for Transfusion Safety One Center’s Experience Achieving Patient Based Hemovigilance.mp4
Solve It Scenarios in Cellular Therapy.mp4
Strategies for Mitigating Human Error in Transfusion Medicine.mp4
Supporting Genetic Therapies for Sickle Cell Disease (ASH AABB Joint Session).mp4
Temas Relevantes En El Area De Medicina Transfusional y Manejo Eficiente De Los Recursos Disponibles.mp4
Test Your Blood Bank Knowledge 2020.mp4
The Impact on the Blood Supply of the Historic Mistrust of the Medical Establishment Among the African American Community.mp4
The Role of Glycans in Transfusion Medicine and Disease.mp4
The Spectrum of Pediatric Emergency Transfusion Before Arrival, in Hospital and Beyond.mp4
The Thin Line Between Advancement or Exploitation the Role of the Super Donor in Allogeneic Cell Therapy.mp4
Towards Personalized Hct and HbS Targets in Transfusion for Sickle Cell Disease.mp4
Updates from the 2019 National Blood Collection and Utilization Survey (NBCUS) and Beyond.mp4
Vector Borne Pathogens in Transfusion Medicine.mp4
Wizardry School of Antigens and Antibodies.mp4


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